Killing it at this lunch lady gig
Hey, kids, your lunch is ready!! Sorry, it’s a little bit overcooked, I was distracted by your little brother pulling all the quarantine snacks out of the pantry. And then you asked me to help with your schoolwork. And then the dog peed all over the floor. And then the conference call that I completely forgot about, and was absolutely not prepared for, was starting for work. And it wasn’t until the smoke alarm went off that I remembered what I was doing, to begin with. Making your lunch!!
To all the parents that are juggling all of the things for all of the people in your life, I see you.
We have to give ourselves and those around us some grace. Even the little humans that are looking up to us, to help get them through this very weird time in the world, give them grace.
Most of all we have to keep looking up to the Lord for peace and hope. Yes, I’m loving having my family home and in my arms every day. I’m so thankful for a job that is still allowing me to work and collect a paycheck. But I also know that I wouldn’t be in this position to work from home and teach my kiddos and still maintain any level of sanity without the hope and peace I have found in Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Jesus, for burned grilled cheese. Thank you for providing my every need and guiding me through such a challenging time for our world. I pray that what we all learn from this time at home is that more people are exposed to you and your goodness. I pray that more people use this idle time to turn their life over to you. In your holy name, we pray, Amen!
First posted on Instagram, click here to check it out.
whoiscall says